Saturday, November 29, 2008

Readings for 12/2

No Place to Hide
I've had several friends get questioned by the FBI and it is interesting the stuff that they keep track of about you. I've decided that they likely have files for most Americans. I've always wondered what my file would look like. Just thinking about they types of stuff I look at on the Internet, especially depending on what papers I'm writing at the time. A short sample of things that I imagine have made the cut and got accepted into my FBI file: Consensual Cannibalism: The Solution to Over-population and world hunger, Black Liberation Theology, Islam and the Western World, and now No Place to

Hasn't England been doing this shit for years, with the CCTV? Regardless tis a bit strange. It is interesting though that the thing people love about the Internet is its Acheles Heel. "Free information for everybody, including the government." I wonder if the rise of Web 2.0 will make these problems worse? The government surely tracks who updates wikis and what type of information they add or subtract. If I write up that Wikipedia article on Vegan Cannibal Muslim-Sympathizers, how long before they're knocking on my door?

YouTube Video
Copyright infringement, or secret government crackdowns?




You can use this form to request your FBI file:

mec said...

The stuff is pretty scary, although I really love when propagandists use the phrase " _____ -industrial complex." So I'm grateful to have security-industrial complex now in my vocabulary. As well as consensual cannibalism, which sounds weirdly sexy.

Eric Weisman said...

A family friend applied for a job with some level of government clearence. When she was at the interview, they asked if she had been at a demonstration on some particular date in the sixties. After she admitted it was possible, they produced a photograph taken of her at the protest. This was before the internet and what not, so it's pretty crazy what they can probably do now.
@bkf1LIS2600: I'm afraid to even check if I have an FBI file. I betchecking for a file gets added to your file.

Dustin said...

It's a little frightening that there's this big of a database and that the FBI manages, apparently, to keep it updated. I've got half a mind to look at my own file, which, really, must be kind of boring.

Jake said...

I have heard that asking to see your file will get you a new file if you don't already have one, although knowing the FBI it's not a database, just the world's largest file cabinet.