Friday, November 7, 2008

Muddiest Point XML

I think that the idea of creating your own tags to created a document is great. What I was unsure about is what an XML document looks like. Using XML language for html made a little sense to me, and I understood about editing content for things like internet ready phones. But what are some other applications? Bo Baker and I discussed after class how he worked for a company that used XML overtop of Microsoft Access to create cleaner documents and do easier searching. Can XML be laid overtop of any database to create documents in the same format that the program already made?


Amanda said...

Justin, my muddiest point was actually very similar to yours. I don't understand the benefits of using XML for web applications. For managing information better, yes, it makes great sense. But in terms of the actual look of the document, I got nothing.

spk said...

you and bo baker get extra cred in my book. way to go boys!