Friday, September 26, 2008

Readings - Networks

Wikipedia - LAN
It is interesting to me that the technology for high speed connections was developed when it was. I take for granted the fact that this technology has been around as long as it has. (not that 37 years is a long time, but it doesn't seem like high speed connections have been around that long). Now that this technology is in the public sector it makes me wonder what is being used by the government now? Do they have even faster connections that we just aren't ready for yet?

Wikipedia - Networks
Networks are groups of connected computers. The type of network is generally determined by geographic size. Several computers are linked in a system, usually wired with ethernet or IEEE cables through a routing board called the hub.

I'm not sure what else to say about this.
Where does skynet fit in? GAN perhaps?

I was not able to experience the YouTube video at my house because I have no sound on my computer.

Management of RFID
For the cost I can't see the justification in using RFID tags on items. I think that it is a neat idea, some of the applications in the non-library setting make me nervous. (Big Brother Human Tagging for example) But I just don't think that the article justified why it was significantly better than barcodes, especially for the inflated cost.


Unknown said...

Skynet is everywhere.

Unknown said...

Less seriously ...

I too am curious what technologies are out there that have not been adopted by the unwashed huddled masses?

April M, CCLS Children's Librarian said...

I think that your point about when the technology was invented and implemented brings up a great point. All of this technology was invented and improved upon from the 1950's and 60's. It would be very interesting to be a fly on the wall in some government office that is developing technology that we may be using in 50 years (or 20).

Amanda said...

Big Brother tagging's already happening via our pets. There are some blogs 'round here talking about microchips in their pets and how comfortable it makes them feel knowing they can track their pet. Most pets share homes with their human owners. Track the pet, get the human. Watch out.