Saturday, November 29, 2008


The Straight Truth-ilicious


Rhymes with Justin...-ilicious

Readings for 12/2

No Place to Hide
I've had several friends get questioned by the FBI and it is interesting the stuff that they keep track of about you. I've decided that they likely have files for most Americans. I've always wondered what my file would look like. Just thinking about they types of stuff I look at on the Internet, especially depending on what papers I'm writing at the time. A short sample of things that I imagine have made the cut and got accepted into my FBI file: Consensual Cannibalism: The Solution to Over-population and world hunger, Black Liberation Theology, Islam and the Western World, and now No Place to

Hasn't England been doing this shit for years, with the CCTV? Regardless tis a bit strange. It is interesting though that the thing people love about the Internet is its Acheles Heel. "Free information for everybody, including the government." I wonder if the rise of Web 2.0 will make these problems worse? The government surely tracks who updates wikis and what type of information they add or subtract. If I write up that Wikipedia article on Vegan Cannibal Muslim-Sympathizers, how long before they're knocking on my door?

YouTube Video
Copyright infringement, or secret government crackdowns?

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Big Bo Baker
The Pike-ster


Digital Libraries:Challenges and Influential Work
This article gave a breif history of the development of digital libraries. There seemed to be very strong government funding in the early 90's for these projects. I wonder how much government funding is still being allocated to this research and development. I also thought that it was interesting that the author recognized Google-Scholar as legitimate competition for digital libraries. I often wonder about the long-term ramifications of having large amounts of academic research material in the hands of corporate scum.

Dewey meets Turing
It seems like the Librarian/Computer Scientist relationship was a match made in heaven. But, just like any relationship, you let her move in and she steals your dog and throws away your recliner. Or in this case, misunderstands the importance of metadata and considers collection development "quaint".

On a more serious note, this article was pretty cool. There is definatly a lot to be learned from these two disciplines. I think that as more library school move to the ISchool format the focus on computer science will become even more apparent than it already is.

Institutional Repositories
The possiblities with institutional repositories are very exciting. I think that broader dissemination of scholarly communication is very important, especially in a peer-review setting. It can also be helpful to prevent plagarism. Apparently my undergraduate university had a database of student papers that could be searched against current papers for plagarism. I'm not sure if this was ever used, but several professors used it as a scare tactic. One problem I always had, and I'm glad the author mentioned, was the fact that the University was keeping my intellectual property. I wondered if they had copyright over my material, according to the aforementioned professors we signed some nature of waiver allowing them to database our papers, but I don't remember reading that.

Muddiest Point

How does link analysis work? I don't understand how an algorithm can determine quality?

Friday, November 7, 2008

Muddiest Point XML

I think that the idea of creating your own tags to created a document is great. What I was unsure about is what an XML document looks like. Using XML language for html made a little sense to me, and I understood about editing content for things like internet ready phones. But what are some other applications? Bo Baker and I discussed after class how he worked for a company that used XML overtop of Microsoft Access to create cleaner documents and do easier searching. Can XML be laid overtop of any database to create documents in the same format that the program already made?

Readings week 11

Web Search Engines Parts 1 and 2
Search engines compute amazing amounts of information, but the author made it seems as though the components of a search engine are relatively simple. I felt like the hardest part of a search engine to maintain is the space required to process and store all the information. He talked about sorting by relevancy, and his option was the newspaper The Onion. I wondered how exactly a computer program can determine relevancy. If I search for "The Onion" the word "The" will be dropped from the search; but, what about "an" or "some" couldn't these terms be used to determine the context?

OAI Metadata Harvesting
The OAI project sounds really cool, I like the idea a lot. I think that it is a little ironic though, that archivists have trouble maintaining the data about their institutions and what exactly they are doing. I am excited to see where this project goes in the future. I wonder if the institutions will be able to do a better job of sharing information so that the metadata can be gathered across instutions and made searchable?

The Deep Web
At first I basically understood the deep web, but I couldn't get past my thoughts of child pornographers denying search engine access to their sites. Now I feel as though I have a better understanding of the deep web. I don't understand how Bergman got the information on the data sizes of deep web sites though. I think of something like Blackboard where the content is changed and added to everyday by hundreds and perhaps thousands of universities. Also, if the information is restricted like academic journal sites, how can you claim to be able to predict the size of the database without joining?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Assignment 6